Tuesday, February 22, 2011

It's official...

...looks are deceptive. Especially in bosses.

Their cuteness (and other such seemingly nice things, including apparent-coolness) has no correlation to their being jerks or not. :-)

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Justify? Why?

I read somewhere today that one of the most important things we could learn from children is that they know how to demand with all their might that which they desire. It is amazing their ability to give everything without holding back for what they want, it is amazing the ease with which they know what they want. 

Why do we, while growing up, lose the ability to know what we truly desire - and not call it vague words like happiness, love, or purpose but something much more tangible, something we can fight for and get. Why do we struggle in the battle of heart and mind so much. Why is it sometimes so hard to hear what the heart is actually saying. And when we know, why does it take a nudge and a push to go all out and fight for it. Why is every argument a "yes, but.." or a "however". 

Words are such a handicap at times.

Funny thing is, even when we finally *know*, when we finally *hear*, when we *do*, we can't just go to sleep contented, because someone will have opinions, ask justifications and ask us why. Nobody does that to a kid.

These whys are such a pain. :-)

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Sometimes I wish...

... that I was super attractive and super dumb.

Then I would not have to work and I could still be rich because all rich people want to be with me and spend money on me
And the best part - I wouldn't have any existential questions at all.
Sorry for being sexist and sticking to stereotypes, but I say - being a dumb blonde is super awesome!!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Sau gram zindagi

...and so, it was a longggg day.

Started at 4 am to face one of the worse Monday mornings, an early morning crib, a longgg flight, and a super hectic work day with non stop work from noon to 11 pm...

And then, at 11, I check into my hotel room - tired and hungry - and find beautiful flowers with a lovely message waiting for me.
Happy Valentines day, he says.

I'm not tired any more. I'm on the seventh moon. Or the ninth sky. Or the seventeenth cloud.

Touch wood, and thank God, for the precious little mercies of life.  For love.
For the do gram namak and cheeni in the zindagi ke sau gram.

Thank you. Can't stop smiling :)

Monday, February 14, 2011

No love lost!

Good morning, and welcome on-board what feels like a bad week coming. Or at least, the start couldn't have been insaner. It feels wrong to crib in the morning, but short of kicking myself (and including that), this is the best I can do. So here's what happened:

After the thought of the longgg flight to Chennai and the long day and week ahead made my sleep disappear over night, after I got out of bed at 4 feeling refreshed with a 2.5 hour sleep, there I was trying to get to the airport at 530 in the morning when the car broke down. Had Einstein been around and amnesiac, he would have probably rediscovered relativity seeing how long and short 15 minutes are early in the morning - the 15 minutes of sleep, too little, the 15 minutes of car breaking down, too much. And just as I managed to reach the airport 2 minutes too late, I realize to my horror that I forgot my wallet (with all my money, cards, ID proof et al) at home. The ah moment of taking out change at 1030 pm returned. The sleeplessness kicked me on discovering that the next flight out is only at 850, and the guilt of asking my dad to wake up early in the morning and bring me the fateful wallet has sapped all my energies for the week already. And hence, here we are, suited booted packed and sleepless, waiting at the airport for Dad to come and the flight to leave. For all the work I was supposed to do in two hours in morning getting pushed to late at night. For more sleeplessness.

Yes, you can go awwww now. And repeat that when I crib about working so hard on Valentine's day, with no one to swoon over. Double awww. 

And double yawn. Damn.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

...and we're back

For anyone still reading, upfront sincere apologies for the vanishing act. Especially to those whose questioning comments and emails have been met with a puzzling silence. Yes, this is the longest I have stayed off the blog and that too without warning, but no, this is not a trend. Just something I have been doing, an experiment of sorts. Letting life come to me, pass through me and go by - without trying too hard to hold onto anything, without longing for anything present or not there, without thinking too much about it. And for the most part, I have been happier for it. Happier than I have been in a long time. 2011, as I wished in the last two posts, has been better so far. Not easier, but happier and better. Thank you.

Now that the disclaimer is in place and this blog has been prepped for a flood of posts in the next few days, short update on the latest headlines. Working out of Chennai these days with Germans, so expect some crib to follow :P Have been on the verge of a (relatively) big decision - quitting the job. Expect final outcomes in a day or two and more news, but for now I will say this - choosing between basically good alternatives that have long term (ok, medium term) implications on the rest of your life is a pretty hard task. :D

More soon. Much more.

Toofaan to aana hai, aakar chale jaana hai
Baadal hai yeh kuch pal ka, chhaakar dhal jaana hai
Parchhaaniyan reh jaati, reh jaati nishaani hai
Zindagi aur kuch bhi nahi, teri meri kahaani hai :-)