I read somewhere today that one of the most important things we could learn from children is that they know how to demand with all their might that which they desire. It is amazing their ability to give everything without holding back for what they want, it is amazing the ease with which they know what they want.
Why do we, while growing up, lose the ability to know what we truly desire - and not call it vague words like happiness, love, or purpose but something much more tangible, something we can fight for and get. Why do we struggle in the battle of heart and mind so much. Why is it sometimes so hard to hear what the heart is actually saying. And when we know, why does it take a nudge and a push to go all out and fight for it. Why is every argument a "yes, but.." or a "however".
Words are such a handicap at times.
Funny thing is, even when we finally *know*, when we finally *hear*, when we *do*, we can't just go to sleep contented, because someone will have opinions, ask justifications and ask us why. Nobody does that to a kid.
These whys are such a pain. :-)
Because we are taught as kids not to ask for for a lot, not to be stubborn, and be grow older, to "control our desires" if we wnat to be good....but I think all that is finally changing....the funda being "love thyself first"
A child does not carry burden like pride, ego, vengeance etc, so they can pursue their heart and mind better.
Speaking for myself, i have a much better idea of the tangible and intangible things i want as an adult than what i had as a child.
Kids can be a pain when they want something, but they change their mind, their "desires" every hour ... not a good role model in my opinion.
Maybe. It's a balancing act between awareness and respect for the world and other people around us, and chasing our desires. either extreme doesnt work.
I agree. And maybe that is why contentment and happiness for them is a much more easily achievable goal
Good for you, but then you are boring :)
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