Monday, April 25, 2011

W for Woman

I wonder what you wonder
And what you wonder I wonder about
And I wonder what the secret is after all
With you life itself was a wonderful wonder throughout

I wander in the wastelands, wondering why
I wander where we wandered together without clue
I wander in the wish of finding you again
In the wanderlust to wander lusciously inside you

I wither in the wait of wanting you whenever
I wither in the wuthering winds of withering weather
I wonder whether I'd ever stop wondering, wandering, withering
I wail in the wisdom of knowing this is forever


madhvendra said...

W for wow!!!
but why is it titled w for woman, I mean a man could as well have these feeling, anyways nice work

Divesh said...

Sheer genius!

Nidhi.. said...

Awesome :)

desperado said...


Infact 2 awesome posts back to back...great work

Kunal said...


Phoenix said...

Thanks, and it could be written *for* a woman too, you know :)

Basic alliteration? Really? :-)

[nidhi,desperado, kunnu]
Thanks :)

chams said...

@taru : true actually, and by the way on a lighter note, not only u have created a beautiful poetry but also a nice tongue twister if u try to speak it in one go :-)

vibhav said...

Spoken too close to somebody, each w would be a kiss, and that might be a good reading of this poem.