Sunday, October 19, 2014


एक चाह की चाहत की तवक़्क़ो है, संगदिल
एक राह की राहत को तरसता है दिल 
बेमंज़िल उखड़ती हैं सांसें बोझिल 
एक आह की आहट भी ना हो सकी हासिल 


Anonymous said...

Hi Phoenix,

I have come first time to your blog.
Not sure how to be polite enough but am curious Are these four lines a quotation that conveys your feelings or an outpour from your heart.

By the way congratulations for keeping the blog alive; it is not easy to keep one alive for 10 years in runiing and more so with your current load of studies.

Phoenix said...

Thank you for reading and your kind words. These lines...I don't know. A bit of both I suppose.
As for the blog, I don't nearly write as much as I used to, but it is still a part of me.