Thursday, September 07, 2006

Is this life?

Is this life? This surreal feeling...
I lay in comfort as the day climbs on
No worries for work, I let will rule
Soaking in every second as time moves on.
Not a sound except my keyboard taps
Not a word in my ears or my mind
Raindrops wet the window glass
And sunshine soaks my life
Not a soul who'd talk as I look outside
Greenery, but not even a perching bird
Not a soul who'd talk on my IM screen
Names, if any, carry the "Busy" word
Why am I not busy this morning?
Why will I be alone tonight?
Why do I live in this exclusive world?
This surreal it life?

Nobody exists for me, I don't for anyone
Nobody to care for, and nurture or nurse
I'm free, liberated, closer to self
Nobody who wants my scolding or love
Raindrops keep falling on my head
Literally too, as I walk to class
Something gleams on the pavement
and my eyes, like a clear glass.
Peace envelops my heart and soul
In this country of the Nobel Prize
Yet this search tofind myself gets tougher
This surreal it life?


Anonymous said...

okay we get it we get it you like sweden, sweden is great we get it already :D

Vik said...

i wanted to say something similar, vivek, for the last 4 hours or so. just didn't want to put this as a first comment:D

Vik said...

well.. the poem is really wonderful.. though comments might fall way off from what u actually meant. In any case, you love 'stones' falling, right? So i decided to throw the third one!

Zyborg said...

Welcome back dear :-)
take care

Phoenix said...


It's all about can see the fun part in the post, but there's always the other side if u read again.
anyway, forget it

[the introvert]
have nthn to say to u to does fall like stones anywayu

thanx; u too

Anonymous said...

okay i see the other side too,
but for all the lack of someone to scold or love or talk to (none of which i believe is permanent) you admitted yourself you've found peace...

thats more than what many can claim...

Mohan Kodali said...

i dont quite understand, nostalgic already??

why do you try to search for peace if you dont like it that way!

Siyaah said...

Just came across your pages, Phoenix.

You are a natural writer. You have the power to see the most sublime in the most quotidian, and then take your readers through the experience.

Enjoyed "Is this life?", esp how it ended "Yet this search to find myself...".

Look forward to more.

Phoenix said...

[vivek, chandu]
It's complicated.

thanx for visitiing...but youhave inundated me with undeserved praise!