Monday, April 30, 2007

Cliched Story

R and S were both the same, yet totally different. When they were close, they were as close as if they were the same body and soul. When apart, you wondered if you could name them together in one sentence. R and S were friends, friends who had hated each other to begin with, but that hatred was only the first step to deep affection. R and S loved each other too, though neither of them ever accepted that, perhaps not even to themselves. Crushes were crushed with uncommunicated logic, and affection stayed. They looked good together, or so I always felt, but the retort was there were people they looked better with. And so they did. Life grew, they moved on and drifted apart. Both found love, both found friendship, both still had each other, albeit farther and farther. Years later they met again, both having lost their loves to time; their similarity stretched too far. And time brought them together again, and an unspoken love resurfaced and met completion, without the need of words. R and S were always meant for each other, or so the romantics would say.

What, then, is the moral of the cliched story?
Simply this, either it's friend and lover, or it's friend and over.

(Adapted and abridged)


Akanksha said...

Is this about some movie??..btw wht else can be the option???

vibhav said...

So easily it flows and lives are wrapped up in one paragraph, loves are found, lost, confusions get resolved, and then the main love gets completed, and life becomes perfect. But man...the confusion is the main thing in real. Probably that'll be resolved in the unabridged version.

Aditya Deorha said...

i know i am an idiot. that is why i sup i cudnt understand da meaning of "friend and lover, or it's friend and over"

cud u explain dis in a bit more detail for fools lyk me ;)

Vik said...

Of the numerous male/female friends a woman/man has, only one may fall victim to the cliched story. So the moral you suggest is a gross generalization.

But the title sounds quite original :)

Phoenix said...

No movie, just life.
And the other option, become friends stay friends doesnt exist.

The unabridged version is real life, and its too complicated and confused to comprehend any better.
And there's nothing called perfect.

nothing much, just this.....that the moral of the story says 'just friends' is a lie, staying frnds an impossible thing. Either u drift apart as frnds (over) after or before love came in between, or u end up as lovers....cross sex of crse.

That's what u think. I thought too.
But it's like this. Among these numberous friends, one may be THE love story, most frndships wd drift apart in sm time n end, n a few that are close turn into ugly one-sided, unrequited or complicated crushes that end uglier.
It's nt me, just the cliched story.

arpana said...

most of the times its friend and over isnt it?

Voice said...

it is so much like movies...
i wud say R and S are lucky ... very lucky

Phoenix said...

Yeah, it is. One can have only so many lovers.

Movies, like all imagination, is built on at least some threads of reality

Anonymous said...

pride, fear of denial, confusion, blind towards obvious, immaturity, or the time was not right.
i am curious, what were you thinking? ;)

Phoenix said...

some things are meant to happen only in certain ways. Fate.

Anonymous said...

i doubt the end...

conufsed said...

Wild digression... i just realised the importance of your answer to shraddha's question.

conufsed said...

And it's wierd but with 10 seconds i had names ready for R and S...

Phoenix said...

Your wish.

Tell me someday your guess.