Friday, November 21, 2008


This is the season of knocking at the door of the Job Market (mostly gloomy,empty this year :( ). With one and a half foot still firmly back in innocent and fun (slightly evil and boring this year) College-World, and half a hand still clutching at the all important and coveted Degree that will stay elusive for at least (and hopefully no more) half a year more, we beg with half a hand (with a CV in the other hand, obviously) and down on one knee (and a half too, if you wish) to get a job. Yeah, that would be ten days from now.

So this is what is the graduating class of '09, IITD, can be found doing these days:
  • Curse your luck for graduating in a recession
  • Wonder why your GPA isn't better
  • Curse the toppers for existing with better CVs than yours
  • Wonder what the professor taught in your fundamentals class in Second year about your engineering discipline and how you reached final year without knowing that
  • Curse Training and Placement cell for posting yet another "Company XXX will not be visiting this year" notice
  • Wonder why do I want to join this company
  • Curse inflation for the heavy bill of your Interview-Day gear: Blazer, shirts, shoes, folder, accessories, perfume, bathing soap...
  • Wonder why people who tell me to be honest in interviews frown at me when I tell them my biggest weaknesses are chocolate, sleeping, dislike for bathing and sheer inability to work without a deadline hanging over at my head
  • Curse companies with GPA cutoffs
  • Wonder how the hell to tell someone "about yourself"
  • Curse companies that did not shortlist you, every single time after that initial cray buzz goes in the campus whenever one is out
  • Wonder just what is my greatest strength
  • Curse your department, your profs, your project guide
  • Wonder why do we need to know how to estimates the number of tissue papers thrown in dustbins every year and the number of lamp-posts in Stockholm
  • Curse seniors who did not tell you in first year that you still needed to slog out after clearing JEE and getting into IIT
  • Wonder how to put together that brilliant crisp, polite, true answer for every question that gets you a tick on Creativity, Leadership, Team-work, Communication, Analytical abilities, Relationship building, Fun-loving, Impact, Substance.............
  • Curse all the TV series, movies and LAN gaming you did
  • Wonder just how did that senior of mine manage that job last year
  • Curse everytime a company has a huge 8 page form to be filled up in addition to the CV that says When did you put Mind over Matter and One weakness that you have overcome and how
  • Wonder how did that person get that shortlist this year
  • Curse yourself for not giving CAT seriously
  • Wonder if going for a PhD is an option
  • Curse
  • Wonder
  • ...
  • ...


Ritesh said...

All the very best!

Quintoo said...

PhD PhD .... :P :P

Waise this kinda takes me one year back :D

Sumeet said...

Hilarious! Yet so true..

And yeah, phd! phd!!

Anonymous said...

thats a lot of whining :)

Kunal said...

Well...this kinda article urges me to write a comment as big as the article(if not more..), but to keep it crisp and short...these are funny times, as you will surely find in retrospect... :)

Trust urself....

This will pass too...enjoy it as long as it lasts..

veikiin said...


The pic is hilarious! All the Best ! The dream job or not, failure always teaches us more. :)

Anonymous said...

i will add to the list... phd phd phd..

daman said...

best of luck, though taking into mind the recession ... Phd would be a good option:) ......

aditi said...

Enjoyed it thoroughly!Add to the list "exams exams exams" also and u get mine!

One more blogger said...

Hey!! Good to read ur blog after a long break!! :)
Waise you forgot to curse yourself for one more thing :P
Infact all Dulle would be cursing themselves for picking up M.Tech dual degree rather then B.Tech. Otherwise by this time you must be sitting somewhere in some big office, earning lots of money!! :P
Actually my bro is also a dual degree guy @iitk! In the same situation!

johney said...

Be glad you didn't give cat seriously, otherwise you will have to repeat the same above process... twice.

Arpit said...

Brilliant stuff.. great pic!


pretty much sums it up!!