Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Playing games

Often I wonder
If I didn't adore the moon so much
Didn't gasp in admiration at its incredible beauty
And stare and recite odes mesmerised
Would it then shine brighter for me then
Would it give me a fuller view
Would it try to win my devotion
Would it care?

I would be less anguished, for sure
Wouldn't writhe in pain on amaavas nights
But I don't know if I would still enjoy
the charm, the magic, bliss of beauty
If I would still know this exaltation, of being shone and showered upon
I don't know if it would be worth it.


Divesh said...

At times, losing a game is more fun than winning even if its painful.

I love this poem..

naween said...

The moon doesn't ponder over this choice. It loves you unconditionally :)