What do you expect the stars of a super-hit, multiple award winning, billion dollar grosser Hollywood movie with 10 Oscar nominations to be paid as remuneration for their year-long work? I bet any number you throw would be a few orders of magnitude higher than what the child stars of the much-hyped Slumdog Millionaire made (or for that matter even the other Indian actors). Celebritydom or not, Boyle thinks it befits his stars to forever stay consigned to the slums. Once a slumdog, forever a slumdog. Somebody else can take care of becoming the millionaire part.
It's not about narrowing the blame on a few individuals. The rule of exploiting the exploited seems to be universal, for why else would a brutal shameless attack on women in pub by self-proclaimed moral guardians of the society aka goons prompt national leaders, state Chief Ministers and women's right activists to promise to take an action against the immoral pub culture and PDA, and lecture women about what they are expected to do.
Equality, free democracy, justice, anyone?
It's not about narrowing the blame on a few individuals. The rule of exploiting the exploited seems to be universal, for why else would a brutal shameless attack on women in pub by self-proclaimed moral guardians of the society aka goons prompt national leaders, state Chief Ministers and women's right activists to promise to take an action against the immoral pub culture and PDA, and lecture women about what they are expected to do.
Equality, free democracy, justice, anyone?